Given that APBA BBW 5.75 is a game it is necessary to note what settings will need to be set and what other gameplay limitations need to be acknowledged. Beyond just settings, it is a matter managerial discretion and limitation to ensure these are used but not abused. Stadiums and Rain-Outs I have installed period appropriate stadiums for all the teams and they have all been set to Domed to ensure we don’t have rain-outs. Actual 1930 rain-outs are already worked into the schedule as is. The stadium's files I have collected are in a semi-compacted format and need to be uncompressed before they can be used: Copy the <name>.DI_ and <name>.IN_ files to a temporary directory Open a DOS window (i.e, a CMD window) CD to your temp directory Use the expand command, as such: Expand <name>.DI_ <name>.DIB Expand <name>.IN_ <name>.INI Copy the newly expanded DIB and INI files to the Ballparks folder where the game is installed Assign...
A blog documenting my replay of the 1930 baseball season
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